Docker Images: Creating and Sharing Custom Images

Are you tired of using standard Docker images? Do you want more control and customization over your Docker containers? If so, you're in the right place! In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about creating and sharing custom Docker images. Get ready to take your Docker game to the next level!

What are Docker Images?

Before we dive into creating custom Docker images, let's first define what Docker images are. Docker images are pre-built packages of software that contain everything a container needs to run, including the application code, runtime, libraries, and dependencies. Think of Docker images as templates for your containers.

Using Existing Docker Images

Docker Hub is the go-to place to find pre-built Docker images. However, it is important to understand what goes into existing images before using them. Some images may contain unnecessary dependencies or may not have the required ones. It is essential to understand how to tweak the existing images to make them work for you.

Creating a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a text document that contains instructions for building a Docker image. Docker images are built by running the instructions listed in a Dockerfile in order, from top to bottom. By creating a Dockerfile, you have complete control over what goes into your Docker image.

Here are some basics you need to consider when creating a Dockerfile:

Base Image

The Base Image is the starting point for a Docker image. It can be an OS, Linux/Windows or anything as per your requirements.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are a set of key-value pairs that can be passed into a Docker container at runtime. It is important to use environment variables to make your container more flexible and easier to manage.


Dependencies are the libraries and software that your container requires to run your application. Make sure that you only include the dependencies that are required by your application.


Ports are used to connect Docker containers to the outside world. Make sure that the ports you expose match your application's needs.


Commands are the instructions that are executed inside the Docker container. Make sure that the Dockerfile contains all the required commands to run your application.

Building a Docker Image

Once you have created the Dockerfile, you can build the Docker image. Building a Docker image is a straightforward process. All you need to do is run the docker build command with the location of the Dockerfile.

Here is a simple example:

$ docker build -t mycustomimage:latest .

This command builds a new Docker image tagged mycustomimage from the current directory.

Publishing the Docker Image

Now that you have created the Docker image, you can share it with the Docker community by publishing it on Docker Hub. Docker Hub is the central repository for Docker images, and it is the go-to place for finding pre-built images.

Here is a simple example of publishing your Docker image:

$ docker login –username=your_dockerhub_username –password=your_dockerhub_password
$ docker push mycustomimage:latest

The first command logs you in to Docker Hub, and the second command pushes the image to Docker Hub.


Creating and sharing custom Docker images can be a game-changer for your application development. With the ability to control every aspect of the Docker image, you can create efficient, reliable and secure Docker containers that are tailored to your needs. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll be on your way to creating your custom Docker images in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating custom Docker images today!

Happy Dockering!

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